Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Linear Equation Part-4

Example 5: Five years ago, a man was seven times as old as his son. Five years hence, the father will be three times as old as his son. Find their present ages.

Solution: Suppose that son’s age five years ago be x years
                                Then father’s age five years ago = (7x) years
                                                          Son’s present age = (x + 5) years
                                                       Father’s present age = (7x + 5) years
                                            Son’s age after five years = 7x + 5 + 5
                                                                                         = (7x + 10) years
According to the given condition,
Father’s age after five years = Three times son’s age after five years
Or,                                 7x + 10 = 3(x + 10)
Or,                                   7x + 10 =3x + 30
Or,                                   7x – 3x = 30 – 10
Or,                                            4x = 20
Or,                                                x = 20/4
                                                    X = 5
       Son’s age five years ago = 5 years
                     Son’s preset age = x + 5
                                                   = 5 + 5
                                                   = 10 years
             Father’s present age = 7x  ´  5  
                                                  = 7.5 ´5
                                                  = 35 + 5
                                                  = 40 years.

Check: Son’s age after five years = 10 + 5
                                                           = 15 years
         Father’s age after five years = 40 + 5
                                                            = 45 years
       Now,                                     45 = 3(15)  
Hence,                         father’s age = three times son’s age
Therefore, the solution is correct.

Example 6: The present ages of Isha and Raghu are in the ratio 5 : 7. Four year later, their ages wil be in the ratio 3 : 4. Find their present ages.
Solution: Suppose that present ages of Isha and Raghu is 5x years and 7x respectively.
Isha’s age after four years = (5x + 4) years
Raghu’s age after four years = (7x + 4) years.
According to the given condition,
                             5x + 4/7x + 4 = 3/4
Cross-multiplying , we have
                                   4(5x + 4) = 3(7x + 4)
Or,                              20x + 16 = 21x + 12
or                           – 21x + 20x = 12 – 16
or                                          – x =  – 4
           Isha’s present age = 5x = 5 ´ 4 = 20 years
Raghu’s present age = 7x = 7 ´ 4 = 28 years

Check: Isha’s ager after four years  = 20 + 4
                                                                 = 24 years
              Raghu’s age after four years = 28 + 4
                                                                   = 32 years
The ratio between Isha’s and Raghu’s age is 24 : 32 = 3 : 4
Hence, the solution is correct.

Example7: A motorboat covers a certain distanc downstream in a rive in five hours. It covers the same distance upstream in six hour. The speed of water is 2 km/h. Find the speed of the boat in still water.

Solution: Suppose that the speed of the boat in still water be x km/h
                                        Speed of water  = 2 km/h
             Speed of the boat downstream = (x – 2) km/h
                    Distance covered in 5 hours  =  Speed  ´ Time
                                                           = 5(x – 2) km
(The relative speed when the direction of the boat and the folw of water is the same = The sum of the speeds of the boat and water).
Distance covered in 6 hours = Speed ´ Distance = 6(x – 2) km
Speed of the boat upstream = (x – 2) km/h
(The relative speed when the boat travels opposite to the flow of water = The difference in speeds of the boat and water.
But the boat covers the same distance upstream and downstream.
                                      6(x – 2) = 5(x – 2)
                                     6x – 12 = 5x – 10
Or                                 6x – 5x = 12 + 10
Or                                            x = 22
Hence, the speed of the boat in still water = 22 km/h
Check: Distance covered in 5 hours (downstream) = Speed ´ Time
                                                                                    = 5(22 + 2) = 120 km
Distance covered in 6 hours (upstream) = Speed  ´ Time
                                                                = 6(22 – 2) = 120 km
In both cases, the distance is same. Hence the solution is correct.

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