Sunday, April 28, 2013

Factorization Using Identities:- Part III

There is some more example of Factorizationusing Identities:- Part II. Let us see some example before moving further:-

Examp:-(e.) 75a3 b2 – 108ab4  

Solution: The given expression is not in the form of any identity. However, its two terms have common factors. Let us rewrite the expression, we have

(3ab2 × 25a2) – (3ab2 × 36b2) = 3ab2 (25a2 – 36b2)
                                                    = 3ab2 {(5a)2 – (6b)2}
                                                     = 3ab2 (5a + 6b)(5a – 6b)

By using identity,            a2 – b2 = (a +b)(a – b)

Examp:-(f.) 9 – x6 + 2x3y3 – y6 = 9 – (x6 – 2x3y3 + y6)

                                                   = 9 - {(x3)2 – 2(x)3(y)3 + (y3)2

                                                   = (3)2 – (x3 – y3)2

[On substituting x3 = a, y3 = b in the identity a2 -2ab + b2 = (a – b)2, we have
(x3)2 – 2(x3)(y3) + (y3)2 = (x3 – y3)2]

                                      = {3 + (x3 – y3)}{3 – (x3 – y3)}

Using, a2 – b2 = (a + b)(a – b)

                                       =(3 + x3 –y3)(3 – x3 + y3)

Factorization by using the identity (x + a) (x +b) = a2 + (a + b)x + ab: – ×

An expression of the type x2 +mx +n  is not a perfect square, therefore, cannot be factorized by identities (i) and (ii) used in the preceding topic. This expression also does not fit the identity type (a 2 – b2) either.

However, we can use identity (iv)  (x + a) (x +b) = a2 + (a + b)x + ab.

To factorize this type of expression, we need to find two factor a and b of the constant term n such that ab = n and a + b = m (the coefficient of the middle term).

Then, the given expression is factorized in the following way:-
x2 +mx + n = x2 + (a + b) x + ab

                   = x2 + ax + bx + ab = x (x + a) + b(x + a)

                  = (x + a)(x + b)
This is required factorization.

Exmp:-  a. x2 + 14x + 45

The constant term 45 can be factorized as 45 = 15 × 3 or 9 × 5,
We’ll consider only those factors of 45, whose sum is equal to 14 (the coefficient of middle term).

Hence, factor 15 + 3 is not required as 15 + 3 ≠ 14. We have to take other pair of factors;
 i.e  9 +5 = 14

Therefore, the required factor of 45 is 9 and 5.

Putting these factors in the given expression we have,

x2 + 14x + 45 = x2 + (9 + 5)x + (9)(5)
                        = x2 + 9x + 5x + (9)(5)

                        = x2 + 14x +45              

Exmp (b):- x2 – 22x -48

Sol:- The constant term 48 can be factorized as

                 48 = 8 × 6 or 12 × 4 or 16 × 3 or 24 × 2

Since, 2 – 24 = -22, 2 and – 24 are the required factors of – 48.

So,  x2 – 22x – 48 = x2 + (2 – 24)x + (2) (– 24)

                              = (x + 2)(x -24)

By using identities,  (x +a )(x + b) = x2 + (a + b)x + ab   

Exmp ©:- x2 -13 x + 36
The constant term 36 can be factorized as

36 = 6 × 6 or 9 × 4 or 12 × 3 or 18 × 2
Since, (– 9) + (– 4) = 1 – 13, - 9  and – 4 are required factors of 36.

Hence, x2 – 13x + 36 = x2 + (- 4 – 9)x + (-9)(-4)

                                     =x2 – 4x – 9x + (- 9) (-4)

                                     = x(x – 4) – 9(x – 4)

                                      = (x – 4)(x – 9), required factorization.

Negative or Positive Factors of the Constant Term:-

In the given expression x2 +mx + n, where ab = n and a + b = m, we should follow some rules  regarding positive or negative factors of the constant terms.  The rule is following: -

1. If m is positive and n is also positive, then both the factors a and b of n will be positive.

2. If m is positive and n is negative, then both the factors a and b of n will have opposite signs. It means one factor will be positive and the other will be negative.

3. If m is negative and n is positive, then the factors a and b of n will be negative sign.

4. If m and n are both negative, then the factors a and b of n will have opposite sings.  


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